Cor-ne-tto - Noun - Italian word for croissant.
Bom-bo-lini - Noun - Mini fried donuts with a filling, typically a chocolate hazelnut spread.
As you know these are two very sexy things, so when they're combined, they make something even sexier. Kind of like when Lenny Kravitz and Lisa Bonet made Zoe Kravitz. This baked good is a serious learning curve so try your best to follow the steps below, and if they don't turn out the way you thought, try, try, try, again.

1 3/4 cups of flour + more to add later
1 package of Fleischman's Active Dry Yeast
1 tsp of salt
1 1/2 sticks of butter
Sunflower oil - I used sunflower oil because it is a neutral oil, and a neutral oil is what you should use when frying these.
Granulated sugar
Important Note: Keep your Nutella in the fridge so when it's time to scoop it, it isn't so sticky.
Place the Fleischman's Active Dry Yeast in about a half cup of warm water and let sit until the yeast dissolves and starts to foam.
Add the 1 3/4 cups of flour and salt and stir with a fork until combined, creating a very sticky dough.
Drop the dough onto a floured countertop, sprinkle some more flour on top and knead until the dough has an elastic texture, and is no longer sticky.
Coat a bowl with sunflower oil, place the dough inside, cover it with a tea towel at room temperature, and let rise for at least 30 minutes.
In the meantime, melt the butter.
When the dough is done rising, add more flour onto the countertop and onto of the dough, and roll it out into a rectangular shape until it is about 1/8"-1/4" thick.
Add a teeny bit of flour to the butter, but keep in mind the butter should still be a consistency where you are able to easily brush it on the dough.
Brush the butter/flour combination on top of the dough all the way to the edges.
Grab the corners of one of the shorter sides and fold them to the middle of the rectangle. Repeat on the other side. Then brush more of the butter/flour combination on top of that, all the way to the edges.
Fold one half over top the other half making a four layered dough rectangle and refrigerate for about 20 minutes.
After the 20 minutes, roll out the dough into a thinner rectangle until it is about 1/8"-1/4" thick again, and trim the edges with a pizza cutter to make perfect lines.
Roll the dough from the shorter side and then cut the dough into sections that are about 1/2" thick.
Grab one of the dough circles and flatten it a bit with your fingers. Scoop a desired amount of Nutella into the center of the circle, then wrap the Nutella with the dough and tightly seal it so it is a Nutella filled ball.
Choose a desired pot and it should be filled with enough sunflower oil so when the bombolini are dropped in, they are fully submerged in the oil and floating. Turn to a high heat and drop a small piece of dough in the oil as a test to see if it is at a frying temperature. Once it is, lower it to a medium-low heat.
Drop the bombolini in and make sure you turn them over so that each side cooks to an even golden brown.
Once done, place onto a pan lined with 2-3 layers of paper towel and sprinkle with granulated sugar.